"DPI Lutecem is a high-strength dental luting cement designed for secure cementation of crowns, bridges, and restorations, offering reliable adhesion and long-lasting results."
"DPI Model Cement is a high-quality cement designed for creating precise and durable dental models, offering excellent adhesion and fast setting time."
"DPI Modeling Wax is a high-quality dental wax designed for precise shaping and modeling in restorative procedures, offering excellent workability and smooth texture."
"DPI MTA is a biocompatible dental material used for root canal sealing, pulp capping, and dental repairs, providing reliable, long-lasting results in endodontic treatments."
"DPI Pedo File is a flexible, precision dental file designed for pediatric endodontic procedures, ensuring effective shaping and cleaning of small, delicate root canals in children."
"DPI Pinnacle Tracking Sticks are precision instruments designed for accurate root canal tracking, enhancing efficiency and precision during endodontic treatments."
"DPI Propol is a natural propolis-based oral care product with antibacterial and soothing properties, promoting healthy gums and teeth for optimal oral hygiene."
"DPI PULPDEVâ„¢ Paste is a biocompatible pulp capping material that protects and preserves dental pulp during endodontic treatments, promoting healing and vitality."
"DPI PULPDEVâ„¢ Gel is a biocompatible pulp capping material that protects and preserves dental pulp, promoting healing and vitality during endodontic treatments."
"DPI RESTOCEM LC is a light-cure dental restorative material offering durable, aesthetic cavity fillings and tooth restorations with superior bonding."